673 research outputs found

    cDNA Cloning Demonstrates the Expression of Pregnancy-Specific Glycoprotein Genes, a Subgroup of the Carcinoembryonic Antigen Gene Family, in Fetal Liver

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    The pregnancy-specific glycoprotein (PSG) genes constitute a subgroup of the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) gene family. Here we report the cloning of four cDNAs coding for different members of the PSG family from a human fetal liver cDNA library. They are derived from three closely related genes (PSG1, PSG4 and PSG6). Two of the cDNA clones represent splice variants of PSG1 (PSG1a, PSG1d) differing in their C-terminal domain and 3â€Č-untranslated regions. All encoded proteins show the same domain arrangement (N-RA1-RA2-RB2-C). Transcripts of the genes PSG1 and PSG4 could be detected in placenta by hybridization with gene-specific oligonucleotides. Expression of cDNA in a mouse and monkey cell line shows that the glycosylated PSG1a protein has a Mr of 65–66 kD and is released from the transfected cells. Sequence comparisons in the C-terminal domain and the 3â€Č-untranslated regions of CEA/PSG-like genes suggests a complex splicing pattern to exist for various gene family members and a common evolutionary origin of these region

    The Diseased Brain and the Failing Mind

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    This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com. It is funded by The Wellcome Trust. The Diseased Brain and the Failing Mind charts changing cultural understandings of dementia and alzheimer’s disease in scientific and cultural texts across the 20th Century. Reading a range of texts from the US, UK, Europe and Japan, the book examines how the language of dementia – regarding the loss of identity, loss of agency, loss of self and life – is rooted in scientific discourse and expressed in popular and literary texts. Following changing scientific understandings of dementia, the book also demonstrates how cultural expressions of the experience and dementia have fed back into the way medical institutions have treated dementia patients. The book includes a glossary of scientific terms for non-specialist readers

    The Diseased Brain and the Failing Mind

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    This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com. It is funded by The Wellcome Trust. The Diseased Brain and the Failing Mind charts changing cultural understandings of dementia and alzheimer’s disease in scientific and cultural texts across the 20th Century. Reading a range of texts from the US, UK, Europe and Japan, the book examines how the language of dementia – regarding the loss of identity, loss of agency, loss of self and life – is rooted in scientific discourse and expressed in popular and literary texts. Following changing scientific understandings of dementia, the book also demonstrates how cultural expressions of the experience and dementia have fed back into the way medical institutions have treated dementia patients. The book includes a glossary of scientific terms for non-specialist readers

    Mit einer chronischen Erkrankung leben : Kompetenzen von Ergotherapeuten und Ergotherapeutinnen zur UnterstĂŒtzung des Selbstmanagements von Erwachsenen mit chronischen Erkankungen

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    Hintergrund: Viele Menschen leiden an chronischen Krankheiten, die oft einen grossen Einfluss auf ihren Alltag haben. Selbstmanagement ist ein Konzept zum Umgang mit physischen, emotionalen und sozialen Auswirkungen der Krankheit. Diese Interventionen nehmen in der Ergotherapie an Bedeutung zu und verlangen von den Fachpersonen spezifische Kompetenzen. Ziel: Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, aufzuzeigen und zu begrĂŒnden, welche Kompetenzen Ergotherapeuten und Ergotherapeutinnen fĂŒr die UnterstĂŒtzung des Selbstmanagements bei erwachsenen Klienten und Klientinnen mit chronischen Erkrankungen benötigen. Methode: Eine systematische Literaturrecherche ergab fĂŒnf qualitative Studien und ein Literaturreview, die zusammengefasst und kritisch beurteilt wurden. Ergebnisse: Es wurden 13 Kompetenzen identifiziert, die ergotherapeutische Fachpersonen benötigen, um das Selbstmanagement chronisch kranker Erwachsener zu unterstĂŒtzen. Diese beinhalten unter anderem klientenzentrierte und ganzheitliche AnsĂ€tze sowie Kommunikationsfertigkeiten fĂŒr die StĂ€rkung der therapeutischen Beziehung und der Motivation, VerhaltensĂ€nderungen anzustreben. Die Kompetenzen wurden anschliessend den Enablement Skills des ergotherapeutischen Modells CMOP-E zugeordnet und diskutiert. Schlussfolgerung: Alle in dieser Arbeit definierten Kompetenzen werden implizit mit den Enablement Skills abgedeckt. In der Literatur fehlt jedoch die explizite Benennung der Kompetenzen von Ergotherapeuten und Ergotherapeutinnen in Bezug auf die UnterstĂŒtzung des Selbstmanagements chronisch kranker Personen. Deshalb besteht weiterer Forschungsbedarf

    Entre el paradigma plurilingĂŒe y las ideologĂ­as monolingĂŒes en el sistema de educaciĂłn pĂșblico multilingĂŒe de Suiza

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    [EN] This paper discusses contradictions in discourses and practices in connection with plurilingualism in the public education system of multilingual Switzerland. First, a historical review presents under what conditions the plurilingual paradigm has found its way into Swiss curricula. Second, some examples are taken from L2 course books to illustrate how curricular ideas have been translated into practical material. Third, it is shown what contradictory ideologies persist despite these efforts to incorporate plurilingual ideas into teaching practice. This is done on the basis of a recent case, which was about banning all languages but the official (German) during recess times at a primary school. The analysis reveals what kind of normative monolingual discourses remain strong. Shedding light on these contradictions allows the illustration of tensions between the plurilingual paradigm and monolingual norms, with which the educational context is confronted.[ES] Este artĂ­culo discute las contradicciones respecto al plurilingĂŒismo de los discursos y las prĂĄcticas en el sistema educativo pĂșblico de la Suiza multilingĂŒe. En primer lugar, un repaso histĂłrico presenta las condiciones bajo las cuales el paradigma plurilingĂŒe ha encontrado su lugar en los currĂ­culos suizos. En segundo lugar, a partir de algunos ejemplos escogidos de libros de texto de L2 se ilustra la manera como las ideas curriculares se han materializado. En tercer lugar, se muestran las contradicciones que persisten a pesar de los esfuerzos para incorporar ideas plurilingĂŒes a la prĂĄctica docente. Se parte de un caso reciente que tuvo que ver con la prohibiciĂłn de todas las lenguas excepto la oficial (el alemĂĄn) durante los periodos de recreo en la escuela primaria. El anĂĄlisis revela quĂ© tipo de discursos normativos monolingĂŒes permanecen. El hecho de sacar a la luz estas contradicciones permite ilustrar las tensiones entre el paradigma plurilingĂŒe y las normas monolingĂŒes con las que se confronta el contexto educacional.Zimmermann, M.; HĂ€fliger, A. (2019). Between the plurilingual paradigm and monolingual ideologies in the compulsory education system of multilingual Switzerland. Lenguaje y Textos. (49):55-66. https://doi.org/10.4995/lyt.2019.11455SWORD556649BERTHELE, R. (2016). Demography vs. Legitimacy: Current issues in Swiss language policy. In M. P. RONAN (Ed.), Perspectives on English in Switzerland (pp. 27-51). Lausanne: Institut de Linguistique et des Sciences du Langage.BLONDIN, C., CANDELIER, M., EDELENBOS, P., JOHNSTONE, R., KUBANECK, A., and TAESCHNER, T. (1998). Fremdsprachen fĂŒr die Kinder Europas. Ergebnisse und Empfehlungen der Forschung. Berlin: Cornelsen.BOND, M. (2012). The Council of Europe: Structure, History and Issues in European Politics. New York: Routledge.CANDELIER, M., CAMILLIERI-GRIMA, A., CASTELLOTTI, V., DE PIETRO, J.-F., LÖRINCZ, I., MEISSNER, F.-J., SCHRÖDERSURA, A., and NOGUEROL, A. (2007). FREPA. Framework of reference for pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures. Strasbourg: Council of Europe and Graz: ECML.COUNCIL OF EUROPE (2001). Common European framework of reference for languages: Learning, teaching, assessment. Cambridge, U.K: Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge.DEL PERCIO, A. (2013). Capitalizing on national diversity. Modern Ideologies of Multilingual Switzerland and the Regimentation of the Nation's Promotion under Late Capitalism. Unpublizierte Dissertation. Hochschule St. Gallen: St. Gallen.DUCHÊNE, A., and DEL PERCIO, A. (2014). Economic Capitalization on Linguistic Diversity: Swiss Multilingualism as a National Profit? In UNGER, J. KRYZANOWSKI, M., & WODAK, R. (Eds). Multilingual Encounters in Europe's Institutional Spaces. New York: Bloomsburry, 75-10.FINKBEINER, C. (1998). Lehrplan - Lehrwerk - Stoffverteilungsplan - Unterricht. In J.-P. Timm (Ed.), Englisch lernen und lehren - Didaktik des Englischunterrichts (S. 36-44). Berlin: Cornelsen Verlag.GARTON-SPRENGER, J., and PROWSE, P. (2011). New inspiration. Macmillan Education.KONFERENZ DER INNERSCHWEIZER ERZIEHUNGSDIREKTOREN (1987). Lehrplan Französisch Realschule. Luzern: Zentralschweizer Beratungsdienst fĂŒr Schulfragen ZBS.LEHRPLANGRUPPE ENGLISCH DER BILDUNGSREGION ZENTRALSCHWEIZ (2004). Lehrplan Englisch - Luzern, Uri, Schwyz, Obwalden, Nidwalden, Zug. Bildungsplanung Zentralschweiz.LOBO, M. J., SUBIRÀ, P., and SALABERRI, S. (2001-). Here comes super bus. Macmillan Education.LÖTSCHER, G., LINDAUER, T., and SENN, W. (2012). Die Sprachstarken 4. Klett und Balmer.LÜDI, G. (2007). The Swiss model of plurilingual communication. In J. D. Thije, & L. Zeevaert (Eds.), Receptive multilingualism: Linguistic analyses, language policies and didactic concepts (pp. 159-178). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/hsm.6.10ludLÜDI, G. (2018). Das Gesamtsprachenkonzept von 1998 - 20 Jahre danach. Babylonia, 3, 14-20.MEYER, M. (2018). "Je frĂŒher desto besser?" - Zur NeuroplastizitĂ€t des Spracherwerbs, Babylonia, 3, 74-79.OELKERS, J. (2004). Lehrmittel als Rückgrat des Unterrichts. Vortrag vom 15.09.2004 in Zürich. Retrieved from http://www.paed-work.unizh.ch/ap/downloads/oelkers/Vortraege/148_LehrmittelVortragII.pdfPROJEKT PASSEPARTOUT (Hrsg.). (2009) [2015]. Lehrplan Französisch und Englisch. Passepartout.SCHÄR, U. (2007). Source books rather than course books - Die Bildungsreform im Fremdsprachenunterricht und die neue Rolle für die Lehrmittel. BeitrĂ€ge zur Lehrerbildung, 25(2), 255-267.SCHWEIZERISCHE KONFERENZ DER KANTONALEN ERZIEHUNGSDIREKTOREN (1998). Gesamtsprachenkonzept. Retrieved from https://edudoc.ch/record/25519/files/19990826GSKd.pdf Last access: June 2019.SIEBER, P. (2006). Funktionale Mehrsprachigkeit statt perfekte Zweisprachigkeit. NZZ. Retrieved from https://www.nzz.ch/articleE7KWZ-1.40885 Last access: June 2019

    Spatiotemporal Expression of Pregnancy-Specific Glycoprotein Gene rnCGMl in Rat Placenta

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    As a basis towards a better understanding of the role of the pregnancy-specific glycoprotein (PSG) family in the maintenance of pregnancy, detailed investigations are described on the expression of a recently identified rat PSG gene (rnCGM1) at the mRNA and protein levels. Using specific oligonucleotide primers, rnCGM1 transcripts were identified after reverse transcription, polymerase chain reaction, and hybridization with a radiolabelled, internal oligonucleotide. Transcripts were only found in significant amounts in placenta. In situ hybridization visualized rnCGM1 transcripts at day 14 post coitum (p.c.), in secondary trophoblast giant cells and in the spongiotrophoblast. Only those secondary giant cells lining the maternal decidua were positive. In contrast, primary giant cells did not contain rnCGM1 mRNA. At day 18 p.c., rnCGM1. transcripts were almost exclusively detectable in the spongiotrophoblast. No rnCGM1 transcripts were found in rat embryos of these two developmental stages. Rabbit antisera were generated against the amino-terminal immunoglobulin variable-like domain and against a synthetic peptide containing the last 13 carboxy-terminal amino acids of rnCGM1. Bothe antisera recognized a 124 kDa protein in day 18 rat placental extracts as identified by Western blot analysis. The anti-peptide antiserum recognized a 116 kDa protein in the serum of a 14 day p.c. pregnant rat that is absent from the sera of non-pregnant females. Taken together, these results confirm exclusive expression of rnCGM1 in the rat trophoblast, but unlike human PSG, negligible or no expression is found in other organs, such as fetal liver or salivary glands, indicating a more specialized function of rnCGM1. Its spatiotemporal expression pattern is conducive with a potential role of PSG in protecting the fetus against the maternal immune system and/or in regulating the invasive growth of trophoblast cells

    Older Adults’ Perspectives, Experiences, and Expectations of Ageing in England

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      Background: Pessimism about ageing can have negative impacts on older people’s health and wellbeing and foster negative societal views of ageing and older people. These negative views can impact how people age, with more negative views producing more negative outcomes. To reduce ageism in society, concepts such as ageing well have been developed. However, our understanding of what ageing and ageing well means to older adults is limited. In this study, we will explore the perceptions, experiences, and expectations of ageing of older adults in England and develop a theory of ageing and ageing well. Methods/Design: A constructivist grounded theory approach will be used to interview 30-60 older adults from diverse backgrounds and locations in England. We will include healthy adults, adults with physical illnesses, people with dementia, and carers of people with dementia. Discussion: The findings will help to provide much needed information about whether people can age well, and what is needed to achieve this for people from diverse backgrounds. This could help to develop and highlight interventions and services needed to effectively meet the needs of the diverse ageing population. This could highlight action points for providing adequate targeted services and care and support for people as they age

    The impact of S-sulfocysteine in cell culture media

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    L-Cysteine is a critical amino acid required for the cultivation of mammalian cells such as Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO). Due to low stability of cysteine and low solubility of the dimer cystine at neutral pH, S-sulfocysteine (SSC) was developed to substitute cysteine in highly concentrated feeds. The bioavailability of SSC, the positive impact but also the toxic response at high SSC concentrations was already described in previous studies. The underlying mechanism for cellular uptake and the root cause for the toxicity however remained unclear so far and were studied in the current work. Due to the structure similarity of SSC to cystine and glutamate, it was proposed that the cystine/glutamate antiporter (xc−) allow cellular uptake of SSC and was assessed via transporter inhibition using sulfasalazine and transporter overexpression using either sulforaphane or sulforaphane-N-acetylcysteine during fed-batch experiments. Following daily addition of 50 ”M and 100 ”M sulfasalazine, the extracellular SSC concentration was increased by 65% and 177% respectively, suggesting a reduced uptake due to xc− inhibition. In c ontrast, enhanced transporter activity through 15 ”M sulforaphane and sulforaphane-Nacetylcysteine treatment, induced a 60% and 52% reduced extracellular SSC concentration, respectively. The inverse cellular response of CHO cells strongly suggests that SSC is transported via xc−. Additionally, elevated SSC uptake via sulforaphane treatment was linked to aggravated SSC toxicity indicating that the xc− antiporter activity impacts the toxic response by controlling the concentration of intracellular SSC. The second part of this study was aimed at assessing the impact of the feed formulation and cell line dependency regarding SSC toxicity via a combined approach of high throughput small-scale fed-batch experiments and multivariate data analysis (MVDA). A diverse SSC response was observed for eight different CHO cell lines and 79 different feed formulations indicating a clone dependent SSC response and a significant impact of the feed formulation on the toxicity. However, MVDA was not able to identify cell culture media components which impair the toxic response of SSC, suggesting that the feed formulation has an indirect impact on the SSC toxicity. The final section sought to clarify the root cause for toxicity after SSC application. For this purpose, SSC metabolization by CHO cells was investigated in vitro by spiking SSC to cell lysates. Critical intracellular metabolites were identified using LC-MS/MS, whereby significant responses to SSC treatment were e.g. glutathione depletion and the accumulation of S-sulfo-glutathione. These might support excessive persulfidation of cysteine-dependent key proteins through SSC metabolization, which was suggested to be the root cause of toxicity

    Libro: Visualising Multilingual Lives: More Than Words

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    Ressenya de llibre: Kalaja, P., & Melo-Pfeifer, S. (Editores) (2020). Visualising Multilingual Lives: More Than Words. Bristol: Peter Lang.Book review: Kalaja, P., & Melo-Pfeifer, S. (Editores) (2020). Visualising Multilingual Lives: More Than Words. Bristol: Peter Lang. Reseña de: Kalaja, P., & Melo-Pfeifer, S. (Editores) (2020). Visualising Multilingual Lives: More Than Words. Bristol: Peter Lang
